In a tropical country like the Philippines, some of the deadliest diseases in the world are endemic. While outbreaks happen, confusion on specimen collection, referral and information flow often results in non-laboratory confirmation of the infection agent. In the past, inappropriate specimens have been sent for testing from suspected cases of pertussis. In 2009, a leptospirosis outbreak was hampered by confusion during sample collection, transport and referral that resulted in the low detection rate of Leptospira.
To resolve these vital issues, including the misinterpretation of laboratory results, lack of compliance to with the recommended specimen transport guidelines, and poor coordination between shipper and consignee, the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) developed the Manual, “Guidelines for the Collection of Clinical Specimens During Field Investigation of Outbreaks (2nd Edition)”. These guidelines, if effectively implemented, can ensure (a) early detection and reporting of suspected disease outbreak cases, (b) efficient and speedy epidemiological investigation of the cases, and (c) fast laboratory confirmation of initial diagnoses.
The RITM, in partnership with FETPAFI, held a series of Training of Trainers among key field epidemiologists, and rolled-out the trainings in RESUs and selected LGUs across the country.
Training of Trainers
The first batch of training of trainers was conducted for Luzon participants held from November 15-17, 2017 at the F1 Hotel, BGC, Taguig City. Ten participants attended the training: 5 males and 5 females.
For Visayas and additional Luzon participants, a second batch of training of trainers was conducted at the F1 Hotel, BGC, Taguig City on January 29-31, 2018. Eighteen participants attended the training: 8 males and 10 females.
A third batch of training of trainers was conducted for Mindanao participants held from February 12-14, 2018 at the Seda Centrio, Cagayan de Oro City. Twelve participants attended the training: 5 males and 7 females.
Participants of the ToT include epidemiologists representing the Department of Health, Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Units (RESU), Provincial Health Office, City Health Department and Local Government Units.
The training covered 6 modules. Module 1 covered the introduction which included the rationale for the revised manual and review of the role of laboratory on outbreak response; Module 2 Planning Specimen Collection; Module 3 Collection & Processing of Specimens including transport; Module 4 Classification of Infectious Substances; Module 5 Laboratory Referral System; and Module 6 Biosafety.
Roll-Out Training
The first roll out was conducted for Region III, held from February 21-23, 2018 at Costa Pacifica, Baler, Aurora. Twenty-nine participants attended the training comprising 16 males and 13 females.
The next roll out was for Region VI conducted at the Grand Xing Imperial Hotel from February 27-March 1, 2018. Thirty-four participants attended with 16 males and 18 females.
Participants to the roll-out include epidemiologists representing the Department of Health, RESUs, CHD, and LGUs.
The training covered 6 modules. Module 1 covered the introduction which included the rationale for the revised manual and review of the role of laboratory on outbreak response; Module 2 Planning Specimen Collection; Module 3 Collection & Processing of Specimens including transport; Module 4 Classification of Infectious Substances; Module 5 Laboratory Referral System; and Module 6 Biosafety. The last part the roll-out training was the practicum.
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