The Field Epidemiology Training Program Alumni Foundation, Inc. (FETPAFI) is a non-stock, non-profit organization composed of over one hundred twenty Filipino field epidemiologists, working at the national and regional offices of the Department of Health (DOH), local government units (LGUs) and in different international and local institutions.

FETPAFI provides epidemiologic services in research, training, and disease surveillance in support of public health programs and policies in the Philippines.

Many of the foundation members are some of the country’s top epidemiologists, and prime movers in the advancement of health sciences.

Established on November 13, 1995, FETPAFI has progressed into an organization that has the capacity to implement public health projects and manage grants in various fields, and in diverse settings.

Instruments and Procedures

The creation of the Foundation is supported by the Securities and Exchange Commission Registration No. AN095-0420. The operations are guided by the Foundation’s Human Resource, Administrative and Finance Manuals. Forms and tools needed to carry out and document the organization’s operations and processes are utilized, and filed appropriately for review and audit.

In 2012, FETPAFI was one of the 120 organizations chosen by the Ayala Foundation, Inc. to participate in the “Strengthening the Capacity of CSOs” Project, under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This endeavor was aimed at further improving the Foundation’s capacity to carry out its functions and processes, and seek means by which it could attain a sustainable growth. One hundred twenty (120) organizations were chosen out of 1000+ NGOs.

Financial Capacity

In the past years, the Foundation has been able to secure and implement international and local projects, with grant funds ranging from USD 10,000 to 857,000. The Foundation received funding from various local and international partners, including the Department of Health and its regional offices, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM), Department of Science and Technology and Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), the World Health Organization, US CDC Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Global Fund and Pilipinas Shell Foundation, Inc. (PSFI), the Research Triangle Institute – Philippines (RTI), Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP), Welcome Trust, University of Glasgow, Duke University, Vital Strategies, ASEAN-GPP Canada, ASEAN Secretariat, UNAIDS Philippines and Action for Health Initiatives, Inc. (ACHIEVE).

NUPAS Accredited

In November 2014, FETPAFI passed the Non-US Organization Pre-Award Survey (NUPAS), a pre-selection tool of USAID to determine a potential partner’s responsibility. This success in meeting NUPAS requirements indicates that FETPAFI has sufficient financial and managerial capacity to manage USAID funds in accordance with US government and USAID requirements. With its current assets, the Foundation has the capacity to initiate and finance its operations.

A Science Foundation

FETPAFI has been certified as a Science Foundation by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) since 2019. FETPAFI being a corporate entity, organized and operating under by the virtue of the laws of the Philippines, was determined by DOST to have been organized for scientific advancement and that its funds are dedicated to scientific pursuits within the meaning of Section 24 of Republic Act no.: 2067, as amended by Republic Act no. 3539.

Our Core Expertise

The core expertise of FETPAFI as a research and consultancy firm is building the capacity of health managers on epidemiology, disease prevention and control that impact public health.

FETPAFI was organized to:

  • Further the growth of the science of field epidemiology by providing support to the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) of the Epidemiology Bureau (formerly National Epidemiology Center) of the Department of Health (DOH);
  • Develop manpower resources in the field of epidemiology and public health;
  • Facilitate epidemiologic research in the field of public health;
  • Support inter-agency linkages and institution-strengthening goals within the health sector; and
  • Foster fellowship, understanding and cooperation among FETP alumni and members of other epidemiologic societies.